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recently added homes
  • 20 Hawthorne Road, Creagh

    Loyola, Killure, Ahascrag

    Nure, Cornafulla, Athlone

  • Land for Sale

    Cornamucklagh & Weston, Ahascragh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. C. 17 Acres Statuate Measure

    Bogland for Sale

    Killure, Ahascragh, Ballinasloe. C. 26.3 Acres – folio ref. GY4711F

    No. 6 Riverview, Ballinas

  • Important Auction of Modern and Vintage Farm Machi

    At Kilconnell, Ballinasloe (postcode H53DT80) on Saturday August 19th @ 2.00 p.m. on instructions of a Retiring Farmer and Contractor

    Beagha, Creagh, Ballinasl

    Land For Sale by Public A

    Redmounthill, Laurencetown, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. C. 62.6 Acres (25.4 Hectares) of Prime Residential Land inc. of Dwelling and Sheds. The Farm is renowned as the home of the former Roohan and Redmount Pedigree Hereford and Charolais herds. Licence No. 002056

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Cead Mile Failte

Paddy Keane

Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers



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